I Won a Trophy at the Armory Show – And So Can You!, by Sarah Cascone

March 7, 2019

I left the Armory Show’s VIP opening on Wednesday with an extra spring in my step and a shiny trophy clutched tightly in my hand. “Sarah Cascone,” it read, “champion writer and artist.” I wasn’t the only one boasting some flashy new hardware, either. At least 42 others were all winners in Super Taus’s Quick Fix, a game that aims to fulfill unrealized dreams by furnishing participants with personalized trophies they have long dreamed of winning. “Maybe there was a competition and losing it traumatized them for eternity. Now they can finally have it on their shelf and be much happier,” the artist, Super Taus, told artnet News. She’s stationed about halfway down Pier 92, in a booth presented by London’s narrative projects within the fair’s Platform section.

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