Tumbling Dice: Super Taus Hands Out Trophies at the Armory Show, by John Chiaverina

March 6, 2019

It is an easy and overused joke to say that an art fair can be a lot like a casino, full of disorienting floor plans and risky financial gambits. I’ve likely made the same joke before, and I’m not above making it again after my experience with Quick Fix, a piece by artist Super Taus presented by the London-based outfit narrative projects. The work is part of the Platform section of the Armory Show, curated by Sally Tallant and on view on Pier 90.   Super Taus is the alter-ego of the Russian artist Taus Makhacheva, whose film Tightrope was included in the 2017 Venice Biennale. “It’s not exactly a project, because what I do are life-affirming practices—let’s put it that way,” Makhacheva said when asked about the work. She was working within a structure comprising mounted video screens and a large table that felt like some futuristic massage device. Video work credited to Makhacheva’s own name rested on an adjacent wall. 

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